Tiny Pineapple

ananas comosus (L.) minimus

Vietnam Nurse

by Suzanne Roberts (1966)
Vietnam Nurse

A volunteer for freedom, she became a captive of love.

Army Nurse Kate Brannon expected hardships when she shipped out to Vietnam. But she had not anticipated the battle that raged in her heart when she found herself torn between two men: the Bostonian doctor, Major David White, and the rugged young officer, Steve Caine. Even in the midst of war’s grim chaos, Katie realized that for her there was an equal menace in the threat of impending heartbreak.

University Nurse

by Arlene Hale (1967)
University Nurse

Sara Arnold, Heights University’s dedicated resident nurse, had lost her heart to a handsome young professor, Noel Tyler.

But Noel, too, had a strong sense of dedication, for many was the time he had a student — female as well as male — visiting him at his apartment. His pupils’ problems were not only with their studies, but, often, in affairs of the heart.

Sara was distressed. Why did she have to share her beloved with so many others? Of course, she told herself, there was always Hal Wingate — fun-loving, kind, and obviously adoring. Perhaps she’d be better off if she were to marry a man like Hal.

Sara worked hard to arrive at a decision. But one day it became only too clear to her whom she really loved — and who loved and needed her as well.

Two Loves of Nurse Ellen, The

by Adeline McElfresh (1969)
Two Loves of Nurse Ellen, The

With a tiny, scarcely audible sigh, Ellen closed her eyes for a moment on the town that was to be her haven until she decided what she must do with her life, and the dream she had nurtured since childhood.

If she married Jack, she must forsake the dream, give up nursing forever. If she held fast to her dream, she must give up Jack…

Town Nurse – Country Nurse

by Marjorie Lewty (1970)
Town Nurse - Country Nurse

After a disastrous love affair, Kate had felt she never wanted to live in the country again, and firmly turned herself into a town girl. So when her dental surgeon boss suggested that she help out, temporarily, a colleague of his in a small country town, she was determined to stay there no longer than was necessary…