Tiny Pineapple

ananas comosus (L.) minimus

Wilderness Nurse

by Marguerite Mooers Marshall (1949)
Wilderness Nurse

A master surgeon healed both her body and her heart.

“You mean you’ll cut off my foot?”

“I’ll have to do it to save your life.”

Denise Burke’s eyes flashed with scornful anger. “I don’t believe it. You’re wrong and I know you’re wrong. Remember, I’m a nurse! Wire my friend Dr. Curtis Steele in New York. Please see him before you operate.”

The day went by in pain and suspense. Just before midnight Dr. Curt’s reply came:


Denise slept at last, the telegram under her pillow.

White Doctor

by Celine Conway (1962)
White Doctor

Here is a hospital story with a difference, for it is set on a Burmese island where one white doctor and two nurses, with a native staff, waged a ceaseless war against tropical diseases, parasites and an utterly exhausting climate. Pat found it hard going in any case…but much more so when she fell in love with the doctor whose only feeling for her seemed to be intense irritation.

Village Nurse

by Joanne Holden (1964)
Village Nurse

Nurse Lorena must choose between two men — a crusading doctor and his enemy. How can she decide — when she loves them both?

Tragedy had struck! Lorena read it in Deke’s glazed eyes.

He had lost his battle to clean up River Street. And failure could mean an epidemic. As Deke’s office nurse — and the woman he loved — Lorena had to help him.

There was just one way.

The one who could save him was Beat Wetherill, the richest man in town. Lorena would go to him — and plead.

But she was asking for trouble.

Beat Wetherill — once Deke’s friend — was now his enemy.

And he was irresistibly attractive…

Vietnam Nurse

by Suzanne Roberts (1966)
Vietnam Nurse

A volunteer for freedom, she became a captive of love.

Army Nurse Kate Brannon expected hardships when she shipped out to Vietnam. But she had not anticipated the battle that raged in her heart when she found herself torn between two men: the Bostonian doctor, Major David White, and the rugged young officer, Steve Caine. Even in the midst of war’s grim chaos, Katie realized that for her there was an equal menace in the threat of impending heartbreak.