Tiny Pineapple

ananas comosus (L.) minimus

Two Faces of Nurse Roberts, The

by Nora Sanderson (1963)
Two Faces of Nurse Roberts, The

At the age of seventeen Jan Roberts was miserably certain that she was irredeemably ugly. How could she ever be attractive with a disfiguring scar on her cheek? Even when the young medical student Moss Gilding was so charming to her she was convinced he was only acting out of pity.

But life changed for Jan when she managed to have the scar removed, and even changed her name to match her new, glamorous face. She decided to take up nursing, and, without admitting that she might have some ulterior motive, got a job at the same hospital where Moss was now a doctor. And then she discovered that he seemed far less interested in the second Jan than he had been in the first!

Two Loves of Nurse Ellen, The

by Adeline McElfresh (1969)
Two Loves of Nurse Ellen, The

With a tiny, scarcely audible sigh, Ellen closed her eyes for a moment on the town that was to be her haven until she decided what she must do with her life, and the dream she had nurtured since childhood.

If she married Jack, she must forsake the dream, give up nursing forever. If she held fast to her dream, she must give up Jack…