Government Nurse

The massive, gold-domed capitol building of her East Coast home state represented the culmination of a dream to Jennifer Sawyer. The blue-eyed blonde, orphaned at an early age, had worked hard to earn both a bachelor’s degree and an R.N., and her civil service position at the first-aid station serving statehouse employees and visitors gave her financial security as well as pleasant working conditions.

When lanky redhead Any Dunbar, a state-employed psychiatrist, came into the station for minor first aid, Jennifer knew she had met her dream man. Or had she? Only months ago she had looked forward to a happy future with Dr. Dick Austin. His hasty marriage to the daughter of a prominent physician had shattered her plans and precipitated her decision to transfer from bustling City Hospital to government service.

Even though Jennifer decided to trust her intuition, the chance for romance with Andy was thwarted on two counts. Cathy Allen, her good-natured supervisor, seemed to have a prior claim on Andy, and good-looking George Fullmer, a deputy attorney general and friend of Andy’s, was determined to date Jennifer. She had no desire to intrude on what might be Cathy’s territory, nor did she wish to hurt the lawyer’s feelings. Although she liked George, he did not ignite in her the same excitement Andy sparked.

As time when on, Jennifer’s confusion increased. Only when a mishap at the lavish State Ball triggered an extraordinary series of events, did Jennifer find her true love.