Tiny Pineapple

ananas comosus (L.) minimus

Anne Snow, Mountain Nurse

by Dorothy Deming, R.N. (1947)
Anne Snow, Mountain Nurse

Anne Snow wanted “emergencies” — so, with her best friend she accepts a position on a nursing staff, working in the mountains of Tennessee. It seems thrilling and romantic in prospect to travel between cases on a fine horse all your own, to “picnic” in the open almost every noon, with a glorious view rolling out at your feet and a murmuring stream to soothe you. But that horse may carry you into dangerous places — and out of them, too; rolling distances may be deceptive when you are hurrying to help save a life; and that gentle stream may turn into a raging torrent to bar your way! So Anne Snow mixes dismay with the delights of her mountain nursing and learns to meet life’s surprises sturdily and smilingly. She learns, too, that in the less-privileged areas of our great country is the greatest need for skilled nursing care and the deepest satisfaction in being able to supply that need well.

Army Nurse in Cyprus

by Gladys Fullbrook (1966)
Army Nurse in Cyprus

When Polly went out to Cyprus to join the boy she loved, she thought that she had lost him to Sylvia, the wealthy, beautiful half-Cypriot girl.

Could the love of Major David Bicknell mend her broken heart?