Nurse! DO something…
to relieve me of my pain!
Nurse! Jus gimme a shot…
I wanna get some sleep!
Nurse! I want service, darn it,
I pay for it, don’t I? —
Nurse! You are the cutest thing…
well…what d’ya know…
ANGELS IN WHITE is a fascinating book about a fascinating subject…the experiences of a professional nurse.
Always prim, mostly smiling, sometimes stern, a nurse must meet head-on a variety of situations without ever losing her composure, without ever showing her own feelings.
From the very first to the very last hours of life — with may critical moments in-between — she is the patient’s and the doctor’s trusted companion. She is expected to embody all the virtues of an angel. Yet, she is a mere human being like you and I. She, too, has problems and a life of her own. But — the welfare of her patients must always come first!
Readers of ANGELS IN WHITE will chuckle with delight at the many humorous incidents and simply hilarious experiences; they will be amazed at the way of life some people lead; they will share with the nurse the burden of her responsibilities; and they will sympathize with her when life’s darkest moments overshadow all human endeavour, leaving her to stand upright amidst those whose world is crumbling, shattering all their dreams and hopes…
Accomplished nurses will find expressed here many of their own sentiments and similar experiences.
Student nurses and aspirants for the nursing profession will gain a better and more comprehensive idea of what their future may have in store for them.
All of us are either former, present, prospective or future patients. Most of us will at one time or another need the services of a nurse. This book will go a long way toward a better understanding and a more appreciative concept of the nursing profession.
When I lay down my cap and cross the bar,
Oh, Lord, won’t you give me just one little star
To wear in my crown, with my uniform new,
In that City above, where the Head Nurse is You?
— Brunettie Burrow, R. N.