Continuation der Nürnbergischen Hesperidum
by Johann Christoph Volkamer“…Astonishingly beautiful illustrations of citrus fruits, flowers, exotic plants, landscapes, cities, villages, palaces, gardens and garden art (including sundials and an obelisk with Egyptian heiroglyphs), as well as garden, building and city plans, labyrinths, etc. Most of the plates show a large illustration of a fruit (or less often a flower) above a small view of the garden, village, city or region where it is found, resulting in frequently surreal effects reminiscent of Roald Dahl’s James and the Giant Peach. Many include people engaged in various activities, and some of the botanical illustrations also include insects, spiders, birds, etc., including pests that damage the fruits: ‘delightful views of the gardens and palaces of Germany, Austria and Italy’ (Blunt); ‘engraving as fine as this is not really improved by colour’ (Raphael); ‘the vignettes and tailpieces…are so attractive that they have often been borrowed to decorate later books’ (Raphael).”
Source: Asher Rare Books
Further Reading:
- A Bitter End for Hub Gem by Nicholas A. Basbanes