Pretty Polly Brundage, her R.N. diploma as crisply new as her uniform, finds both pleasant and unpleasant surprises when she comes to nurse in the lovely old Southern mansion she had known all her life…
Polly Brundage’s nursing uniform was still too new to swap for a wedding gown… This she tactfully made Gary Maynard see before things went too far. But was it true? Polly promptly closed her mind on Peter, handsome Peter Hamilton, older brother of Polly’s best friend. If Leisa were only at “Sundown” instead of being off in New York…there was plenty of interior decorating to be done right here! And exterior decorating, too.
Polly really needed her friend, and for her own sake Leisa should come home. And then everything started to happen…
Nurse at Sundown
by Peggy Gaddis (1958)