Nurse Kyria realized one dream in life — she had become a nurse. But her other dream — her dream of love — seemed beyond her reach.
Nurse Kyria Galonos walked as if she owned the earth and had a mortgage on the moon, for she was in love with Dr. David Nickolaides, head surgeon in the Greek fishing village on Florida’s west coast. And David was the only man Kyria ever wanted or needed. But David and Kyria both had financial responsibilities to their families — responsibilities that forced them to keep postponing their marriage.
Then suddenly two wealthy playboys entered Kyria’s life and offered her everything that David couldn’t…and love besides. Would David wake up before he lost Kyria to another man? Or would Kyria go on waiting endlessly for David and find one day that the exquisite rapture of her love had been dissipated by that waiting?
Nurse with a Dream
by Peggy Dern (1963)