Tiny Pineapple

ananas comosus (L.) minimus

He Married A Doctor

by Faith Baldwin (1943)
He Married A Doctor

“She heard the bitter wind, she saw the darkness of the enompassing night, the naked reality of the winter. But, overhead, were stars.

It took suffering and near tragedy before Hilda Barrington, M.D., could believe that there were stars. In love with Carey Dennis, she had to make the difficult decision between her professional and her personal life — whether she was to be physician or wife.

Faith Baldwin’s moving novel, “He Married a Doctor,” is the story of that choice. Hilda and Carey determine that they will make a go of their marriage in the face of almost insurmountable difficulties. They believe in each other and are intelligent and honest. But they reckon without the beautiful and ruthless Maida von Kunst, Carey’s former fiancee, who is resolved to win Carey back at the expense of Hilda’s happiness.

Miss Baldwin has written a dramatic story with sympathy and understanding that proves her faith in the young men and women of today.

Head Nurse

by Ruth Dorset (1970)
Head Nurse

It would have been hard to find two sisters as different as Lena and Jan Mitchell. Redhaired Lena, head nurse at Middleboro General, was unselfish, considerate, dedicated to her work. Blonde, greedy Jan was a nurse in name only, dedicated to herself. Yet it was Jan who attracted widowed Dr. Jim Porter, the young hospital chief…Jan who schemed to become the second Mrs. Porter. Could Lena stop her sister from ruining a wonderful man’s life…without exposing the bitter secret of her own heart?

Headline Nurse

by Phyllis Ross (1965)
Headline Nurse

An adventurous career girl caught up in the fury and romance of the newspaper world.

“I’m a nurse! Not a woman!”

She kept repeating the words to herself as she looked down at Pete’s broken body. His shirt was in rags, one trouser was ripped from ankle to knee, and there was a terrible gash on his forehead.

She took out bandages and antiseptic and began to dress the wounds — all the time trying to forget that the battered man was the one she loved.

The others in the clinic had turned their backs for a moment. She leaned down quickly and brushed her lips against his bruised cheek. “Oh, my darling,” she cried softly. “My poor darling.”

Heartbreak Nurse

by Jane Converse (1968)
Heartbreak Nurse

A new tragedy drove him to an old love…was Lillian’s doctor gone forever?

She knew from the moment he called that Dr. Dean Warner was disturbed. Very disturbed. A tragic accident had critically injured a 5-year-old child and Nurse Lillian Bryant was called upon to deliver superhuman services.

As the days passed Lillian puzzled at Dean Warner’s passionate involvement with the child’s welfare, a concern which was bringing him to the point of collapse.

Then the rumors began. About Dean and the child’s exotic mother. About a forgotten youth. About the man Lillian loved who expected her to give her own life for a beautiful nightmare out of his past.

Heiress Nurse

by Peggy Gaddis (1959)
Heiress Nurse

She found pride — and romance — in her work among the poor.

Nurse Andrea Drake had grown up without parents. An orphan, she felt special sympathy for the lonely, the sick, the needy. Her work at a settlement house in the city’s worst slum area brought Andrea a fulfillment she’d dreamt of.

But when a new surgeon was appointed, Andrea found herself embroiled in an old tangle, for he was the doctor who had once fired her from an important nursing assignment.

The stage was set for, yes, another clash between the successful, experienced surgeon and the dedicated young nurse — and only brilliant Dr. Steve Jordan stood between them…