“She heard the bitter wind, she saw the darkness of the enompassing night, the naked reality of the winter. But, overhead, were stars.
It took suffering and near tragedy before Hilda Barrington, M.D., could believe that there were stars. In love with Carey Dennis, she had to make the difficult decision between her professional and her personal life — whether she was to be physician or wife.
Faith Baldwin’s moving novel, “He Married a Doctor,” is the story of that choice. Hilda and Carey determine that they will make a go of their marriage in the face of almost insurmountable difficulties. They believe in each other and are intelligent and honest. But they reckon without the beautiful and ruthless Maida von Kunst, Carey’s former fiancee, who is resolved to win Carey back at the expense of Hilda’s happiness.
Miss Baldwin has written a dramatic story with sympathy and understanding that proves her faith in the young men and women of today.