Tiny Pineapple

ananas comosus (L.) minimus

Be Honest With Yourself: Great Men Pray

Be Honest With Yourself: Great Men Pray

Great Men Pray

Great and wise men and women of all the ages have sought and received help through prayer and have found an unfailing source of strength.

Washington at Valley Forge — Lincoln before Gettysburg — Eisenhower on D Day — Joseph Smith in the Sacred Grove — Jesus at Gethsemane and at Golgotha — all these have prayed:

“Grant us liberty”; “Preserve the nation”; “Give us wisdom”; “Deliver us from evil”; “Thy will be done.”

And these, too, are proper petitions to an understanding Father in Heaven:

The trust of a child at a mother’s knee.

The prayer of a father for the return of a wayward son.

The student’s honest seeking for answers to an examination.

A young man’s reverent request for strength to do this best in ball game or business venture.

A young woman’s plea for guidance in choosing a husband.

The earnest soul’s sincere desire.

That He answers these petitions (though in His own time and way) is a truth to which millions can daily testify.

What about you? Do you ever need help from a Higher Source? Then follow the example of the great and good and wise men of all the ages. Ask and receive. “In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths.”



Undercover Nurse

by Jane Converse (1972)
Undercover Nurse

Would she be trapped in the web of corruption that bound her strange new patient?

Where Evil Lurks…

Nurse Gail Arnold was young and beautiful and happy. Her work at the Narcotics Rehabilitation Center was interesting and rewarding. And her silent worship of handsome Dr. Bruce Cranston filler her heart with hopeful dreams.

But her serene existence was in for a startling change. An unknown young woman, viciously beaten and near death from an overdose of heroin, was brought to the hospital. Gail, assigned to the case, now found herself working in heart-quickening closeness with the man she loved.

Then menace marred the picture. For the new patient harbored a tormenting secret that was to spell deadly danger for Gail. It would lead her, innocent and unsuspecting, into the nightmare world of narcotics traffic where not only her dreams of love but also her very life would be threatened!

Ozark Nurse

by Fern Shepard (1967)
Ozark Nurse

The Young Doctor needed her — yet the handsome patient could not live without her.

The man in her life was tall, blond Dr. Paul Anderson. Nurse Nora Hilton had fallen in love with the young surgeon almost from the moment they met. Their marriage plans were a lovely dream — right up to the moment when he lost faith in his surgical skill and, without warning, shut Nora out of his life.

Stunned and hurt, she lost herself in her work. When a handsome, wealthy patient begged her to marry him, she was tempted. But could she ever really love him — when her heart belonged to another man?

Be Honest With Yourself: Nothing Worth Having Is Free

Be Honest With Yourself: Nothing Worth Having Is Free

Nothing Worth Having Is Free

The food we eat, the clothes we wear, the homes we live in, the cars we drive–even the leisure time to enjoy them in — and all the inner satisfactions of life — all these must be bought with effort and sacrifice.

Let’s look at some examples. Take friendship. You may win friends easily but it will cost you something to keep them: time spent on daily kindly deeds, the thoughtful letter or card of remembrance; the timely word of encouragement; the constant consideration.

The price of education is study. Business success can be bought only through hard work; savings for the future through present self-denial.

So with the development of talents; the ability to play the piano, to paint a picture, to bake a cake, to excel in any art or skill comes only with effort.

Personal health and physical and mental strength must be earned by the exercise we take, the kind and amount of food and drink we put into our bodies — or abstain from.

The trust of friends is built on the keeping of promises. Financial credit belongs to those who pay their bills.

Even Church membership with its present and future blessings is not yours for the mere asking. To belonging you must add obedience; to receiving you must add sharing. These are the works you must add to faith if you would earn the good things of earth and the blessings of heaven. They are the price we must pay for happiness here or hereafter.

So strive, share, serve, save. In other words, pay up, because it pays.